Sometimes life requires that we lead, and sometimes that we follow. The spiritual
masters remind us that life is not about us. We are happiest and better able to do for
others when we can first do what is best for ourselves.

Have you ever really considered your faith? Beyond religion, faith means trusting in what
we cannot see and believing it is there waiting for us.

Art Exercise: Pick up a clean, blank white sheet of paper. Look closely at the center
of the page. Quietly see if you can make out any pattern or light image. Use your
mind’s eye and start to draw or trace what you see and feel. You will find an image
emerges without much conscious thought on your part. This is faith, believing the
image is there, and your job as the artist is to free the picture that has been waiting
since eternity for you to create, right here, right now. Wellness requires faith.

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