As to the wellness effects of watching a bird in flight.
(Reflection written by Brian Belt)

Watching a bird in flight can help with one’s sense of wellness in many ways. First, it
can inspire awe and wonder at the beauty and diversity of nature. Seeing how a bird can
soar effortlessly through the air can make us appreciate the amazing abilities of living
creatures. Second, it can also calm and relax us by providing a soothing visual stimulus.
Watching a bird glide gracefully across the sky can help us forget our worries and stress
for a moment. Third, it can also motivate and encourage us to pursue our own goals and
dreams. Observing how a bird can overcome obstacles and challenges in its environment
can remind us that we too have the potential to achieve great things. Watching a bird in
flight can be a rewarding and uplifting experience that can enhance our well-being.

Art exercises I: Make an acrylic painting using a feather as a brush while watching either
a video of a bird in flight or going outside to observe a real bird flying overhead. Reflect
on how this made you feel.

Art exercises II: Assemble a kite and write your thoughts about your future goals in
recovery on the flaps. This is called ‘skywriting’. List at least three things you would like
to accomplish. Fly the kite with your peers on a windy day and reflect on your future life.
Hang the kite in a prominent place as a reminder to others of what dreams are possible if
you reach for the sky.

Video I:
(Play to the song ‘Like a Bird’ by Nelly Furtado)

Video II (bird’s eye view of the Hudson Valley, N.Y.):

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