A non-profit is defined as an organization that is dedicated toward furthering a social
cause or advocating for a shared point of view without generating a profit.
A volunteer is an individual or group that provides services for no financial or social gain
in order to promote the well-being and happiness of others.

Non-profits contribute greatly to the social welfare of individuals and promote health
and improved conditions to create fuller and richer lives for everyone. You don’t have
to be hungry, disabled, or in need of services to benefit from a non-profit. Volunteers are
needed at every level and can be a source of enrichment and connection to community
life. A person in a life transition, or unemployed, can find satisfaction and fulfillment by
volunteering for a non-profit.

Our focus is to be connected to our communities and feel better about ourselves. Working
for a non-profit company and dedicating your time and talent can be a great resource for
personal recovery and a path to happiness and self-fulfillment.

Learn about five non-profit organizations that provide invaluable services to local
communities with the help of volunteers. Create art based on the unique mission of the
non-profit of your choice.

For review: Wellness is not the absence of disease, but the presence of purpose in life,
active involvement in satisfying work and play, joyful relationships, a healthy body and
living environment, and happiness. (SAMHSA)

Art activity I: Choose one of the non-profit organizations that interests you most.
Clip photos from magazines that you feel relate to the non-profit’s purpose and
mission. Create a collage that expresses what you admire about the organization.
If you have a personal story to convey or if the non-profit has personally impacted
your life, please share your story in the artwork.

Art activity II: Write a letter to the President of the United States. List three things
you would like him/her to do.

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