(Meditation written by Brian Belt)

Rain is not just a natural phenomenon that brings water to the earth, but also a powerful
wellness tool that can help us cope with difficult emotions, cultivate mindfulness and
compassion, and find joy in everyday life. In this paragraph, we will explore how rain can
be used as a wellness tool in different ways.

One way to use rain as a wellness tool is to practice the RAIN meditation, which stands
for Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture. This is a four-step process that helps you
recognize your emotions, allow them to be there without judging or resisting them, investigate
them with curiosity and kindness, and nurture yourself with self-compassion and
care. The RAIN meditation can help you break free from habitual patterns of reactivity
and suffering, and discover the freedom of an awake, compassionate presence.

Another way to use rain as a wellness tool is to enjoy its sensory benefits. Rain can create
a soothing sound that can calm your nervous system and promote relaxation. You can
listen to rain sounds on your phone or computer, or simply open your window and let the
natural sound fill your room. Rain can also create a refreshing smell that can uplift your
mood and clear your mind. You can inhale the scent of rain on wet grass or soil or use
aromatherapy products that mimic this fragrance. Rain can also create a beautiful sight
that can inspire awe and wonder. You can watch the raindrops fall from the sky or splash
on puddles or admire the rainbow that appears after the storm.

Corresponding art exercise:
Wet a piece of paper and make a watercolor while listening to rain sounds. Use your
natural breathing rhythms to exhale onto the page to direct the flow of the paint. Allow
the brush to flow freely over the paper. Enjoy the colors as they mix and be aware of the
emotions you feel as you do this exercise. Share your work and discuss how rain and
water relate to your personal wellness.

Video #1: https://youtu.be/89iFuVfgzoM
Video #2: https://youtu.be/zQNyBlvmk9g

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