The games people play and the way they choose to relax tell us a lot about their personalities. Some active, physically minded people like fast games like soccer and car racing, others like less physical games like chess and cards. Some like to soothe themselves with video games. In recovery we all go at life at different speeds.
Below are a few recovery games to practice our hand-eye coordination and team play skills.
Pin the Tail on the Recovery Donkey – blindfold and spin a person around and turn them to face the donkey board. The person will place the paper tail closest to the green ‘Feeling Well’ circle located near the back end of the donkey. It’s important to remember the number on the paper tail. The closest to the green circle wins!
Pin the Tail on the Recovery Donkey – blindfold and spin a person around and turn them to face the donkey board. The person will place the paper tail closest to the green ‘Feeling Well’ circle located near the back end of the donkey. It’s important to remember the number on the paper tail. The closest to the green circle wins!
Wide World of Wellness Bean Bag Basketball – Participants take turns tossing the beanbags through the lettered holes. The word ‘W-E-L-L-N-E-S-S’ requires one W, two E’s, two L’s and two S’s. Students acquire a letter by tossing a bean bag through the corresponding hole in the board. The first person or team to get all the letters to spell out the word ‘Wellness’ wins. Create scoreboard to keep track of your team’s progress.
Recovery Jenga – Use the wooden blocks to ‘build’ your recovery. Each block is labelled with a recovery principle. The object is to use all the blocks and stack them on top of each other without them falling over. Don’t leave out any of the blocks because each one represents an important aspect of your recovery. To challenge yourself, use the narrow side of the block!
Recovery Bowling – The game is played like traditional bowling. Participants get two rolls to knock down all six of the small plastic pins. You must get all six to get a point. Ten points wins a game. For a challenge, use chopsticks to hold and roll the bowling ball instead of your hands!