The Morning Rainbow - by Ellwood Robert
Eastern sky at dawn was bright,
Glorious arose the sun;
Everywhere was brilliant light—
Day in beauty had begun.
But the West was overcast
With a cloud, foreboding storm;
Raindrops soon were falling fast,
Then appeared the rainbow's form.

How do rainbows form step by step? When light meets a water droplet, it is refracted at the boundary of air and water, and enters the droplet, where the light is dispersed into the seven colors. The rainbow effect occurs because the light is then reflected inside the droplet and finally refracted out again into the air.
Observe the light refraction effect of the prism. The white light separates into the colors of the spectrum, like the way a rainbow forms in the sky after a rain.

Video 1:
Video 2:

Art Activity: Use paint to create an abstract painting in the style of Wasily Kandinsky. Identify the emotions you experience and make a piece of art that best expresses that emotion.

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